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Simple Salvation Church of God Simple Salvation Church of God


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Posted by: Administrator on Wed, Nov 19, 2008



You awake each day to the Muslim muezzin call to prayer from the neighborhood mosque - as millions of Europeans already do.

Liberals espouse “diversity is our strength” as Islamic enforcers cruise the cities in their quest to shutter, or harass any establishment that is contrary to Islamic “sharia” Law.  Guns are confiscated and stiff penalties are dished out to citizens who defy the new anti-gun laws.  Women are told to cover their hair and face when in public.

You are cautious about attending public events or being part of any large crowd as these are the favorite targets of suicide bombers in their quest to exhibit violence against non-Muslims who resist conversion or surrender.  Dissent has been stifled since the Fairness Doctrine was reinstated.

A new Senator is sworn in, one of several Senators that have recently converted to the Muslim faith.  Muslim populated districts are increasingly changing the political landscape by sending more electees to Congress.

A recent ruling from the Supreme Court states sharia law does not violate the “separation of church and state.” This ruling paves the way for Islamic controlled municipalities to govern every aspect of religious, political, and personal life of the local populace-- [amounting to a form of totalitarianism analogous to Communism].

The Hollywood Left gives up gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of polygamy.

As Mark Steyn [author of the New York Times bestseller “America Alone”] puts it, "The future belongs to the fecund and the confident. And the Islamists are both, while the West -- wedded to a multiculturalism that undercuts its own confidence, a welfare state that nudges it toward sloth and self-indulgence, and a childlessness that consigns it to oblivion -- is looking ever more like the ruins of a civilization."

If you think this can't happen, you haven't been paying attention to what’s been happening in Europe and the UK.  Europe is almost certainly a goner, as Mark Steyn laments in his book, but America can still survive, prosper, and defend its freedom only if it continues to believe in itself, in the sturdier virtues of self-reliance (not government), in the centrality of family, and in the conviction that our country really is the world's last best hope.

The Muslims have a twenty year goal to conquer the West. They have only a short 13 years remaining until victory, as their quest started in 2000.


The scenario above is now even more realistic as the complacent and apathetic voters have made their ill-conceived choice in this last election. Putting national security aside, they instead chose the Marxist candidate….the one who promised them the most from the treasury coffers. So much for campaign finance reform. With support from; a left-wing biased Bush/Cheney hating mainstream media, money and ads from, fraudulent voter registrations by ACORN, Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia [and making statements like "a black man is going to win no matter what"], and illegal campaign donations (foreign and domestic), the free market system and experienced national security candidate never had a chance. Never in the history of U.S. elections, has such an extreme liberal, un-vetted, and secretive candidate been elected. It will become America's loss. The middle class bought the Marxist candidates' mantra “I am going to save the middle class” sales pitch, hook, line, and sinker. In short, they were duped. When in actuality, Barack Hussein Obama will destroy the middle class by creating a welfare dependent class and making them a ward of the state ….he will then own their vote.  The Democrats will move quickly to pass and enact laws (i.e., the Fairness Doctrine, more power and money to ACORN, liberal campaign finance laws, etc.) to ensure they never lose power through future elections.  The future will be a move towards a European style socialist system, where our standard of living and productivity will decline, our mighty military will become smaller and less equipped, and our taxes (all taxes) will go up.  We will be forced into smaller cars, smaller homes, and smaller families. We will lose many freedoms, such as the right to own a firearm, the right to vote for a union via a secret ballot [instead the union thugs will tell you how to vote], et al. The gap between the rich elitists and the middle-class/poor will widen and there by creating the United Socialist States of America USSA.




Like Spain, we have just capitulated to the extreme Islamists and the George Soros socialists. The apathetic, and greedy self-interest voter, has made his/her choice.  The voter has chosen; European style socialism over the capitalist free market system, Islam over Christianity, bondage over liberty, and punishment of achievement over self reliance. President Bush took the War on Terror to the enemy and his soil; Obama will capitulate and bring the war to our soil, and we will defend our borders with a smaller military. Instead of learning the lessons of other failed socialistic governments, sadly we have decided to join them.

History has proven that a democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) usually followed by a dictatorship.  The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations have progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith
From spiritual faith to great courage
From great courage to liberty
From liberty to abundance
From abundance to complacency
From complacency to apathy
From apathy to governmental dependency
From governmental dependency back into bondage

Thanks to these duped voters, we will now progress rather quickly from the complacency to apathy stage to the apathy to governmental dependency stage.  And, then we will awake some morning and find ourselves in the governmental dependency back into bondage stage!

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. . . . . Ronald Reagan


“Work for more government intervention and control of the business activities of the people. In this way the American people will accept Communism without knowing it.”

Joseph Stalin

Welcome to the United Socialist States of America USSA. God help us!



Welcome to, the web site that was developed to bring enhanced visibility to this new, violent cultural cancer [Terrorism] facing humanity.

The purpose of this web site is three fold;

To awaken the American public to THE THREAT of Radical Islam, its purpose and its goals. If you're of the opinion that Islam is a peaceful religion, you have not read the Qu'ran as it plainly states to kill the infidel if he does not submit or convert. Personally we're of the opinion, the term "peaceful Muslim" is an oxymoron, if one truly believes and follows the Qu'ran. They may appear peaceful in a public forum, but they speak a different language and show a complete different face when inside their mosque retreats. We've been told, via emails from actual Muslims or family members, that many (especially asians) have never read the Qu'ran, but consider themselves devout Muslims. To truly read the Qu'ran we are told, one must read it in arabic - it's original untranslated version. We admit that we base our opinion on translated versions. If you are are of the opinion that most Muslims are peace loving, please read "Those Who Stand Silent Also Share The Guilt."

  1. To address the IMMIGRATION CRISIS we are experiencing in this country. If we don't set limits on who can enter, control our existing borders, and start enforcing our current immigration laws, this country is going to start experiencing the same problems Europe is facing today. If you doubt this, please do some research on what is happening today in France, and has already happened in Spain. If the immigration chart/graph in the immigration section does not alarm you, you either have your head buried in the sand or you did not do well in high school math and don't understand graphs.

  2. To address the concept of THE FOUR INSTRUMENTS OF NATIONAL POWER and how terrorism is using these instruments to create havoc within our society, and to attain their ultimate goal of destroying America. This concept was an assimilation of ideas and concepts learned by S. R. Gable, Col USAF, Ret during his war College years. This is presented in the flash movie "America Wake Up and in a shorter movie version in the The Four Instruments of National Power described below.

In the “Headlines” section, we will display articles of interest that we find concerning relevant issues on this terrorism threat, immigration issues, and the Four Instruments of National Power (political, economic, psycho-social, and military).

To obtain a better understanding of the threat, refer to the "Movies" page where several short movies describe this threat in great detail.

If you want to read more about the topics presented on this web site, refer to the "Books/Ref" section. These have all been hand picked by us and are for purchase. We have read many of these and they reside on our office bookshelf. We refer to several of them for reference material.

About The Intro Movie Clip

The purpose of the introduction movie clip is to get one's attention, not to scare you. It is all based on fact and probabilities. The "Last Gasp" part was taken from an old Reagan speech given many years ago, but we believe the theory is applicable today - maybe even more so. The High-altitude ElectroMagnetic Pulse HEMP nuclear detonation part is real (refer to federal Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack 200-page report), and believe it or not, the Russians contemplated using this type of detonation against us during the Bosnia War. Like the Cuba crises, they backed off due to our retaliation ability. But, how do we retaliate against a terror cell that does not belong to a nation-state? Or, rogue states like Iran, where retaliation only means martyrdom for their leaders? Recently an Intelligence briefing to Congress suggests that Iran is currently working on such a weapon.

Our national power grid is one of our weakest points. It's old, and just like they won't allow building new oil refineries, the environmentalists will not allow building new transmission lines. In addition, the generating plants are required to be built many miles away from the load, another vulnerability. Also, the current transmission line system is at full capacity, with no reserve built in. Without the power grid, this nation can't survive long.

More on energy. The environmentalists on the left like to dispel the more conservative side's "drill at home, clean coal, and nuclear power" energy plan and tout their own "wind, solar, and bio fuels energy" plan as our best energy solution. The problem with this is until there is a huge breakthrough in battery/storage technology to compensate for low periods of wind and sun; this energy source will remain only a small percentage of our total energy solution. Wind and/or solar energy farms will still require at least a 90% capacity conventional power plant to operate in parallel to compensate for these periods. Currently, it takes 1 watt of convential power for every watt of wind/solar power generated. And, what do you do with those old wind generator towers? To get an idea what it may look like on the landscape, visit South Point on the Big Island of Hawaii. Here an old wind farm exists next to a newer one. The older wind farm rusted generator tower hulks sit idle, cannibalized for parts, and present an ugly eyesore on the picturesque landscape. As for bio fuels, until the current drawbacks, like higher pollution, lower efficiency and mileage, corrosiveness, crop distribution and balance with food supplies, and ability to stand on their own without big tax subsidies, are solved these type of fuels will remain a small part of the total energy solution. T Boone Pickens said it right when he said "we need to use every option available to us to wean ourselves off foreign oil." That includes drilling at home (in the arctic, offshore, etc.), oil from shale technology, clean coal technology, nuclear power plants, wind and solar power, bio fuels, hydrogen and natural gas fuels, etc. To accomplish this will take a lot of bi-partisan agreements and legislation by our Congress and Senate, which sadly to say, will not come easy, if at all.

The Muslim threat is real, part of their 20 year quest to dominate the West. So far, they're winning, beating us at our own game, by using our own freedoms against us. Europe fortunately is recognizing this threat and is politically moving to the right in seeking a solution to the problem. While America can't see the forest for the trees and is moving left politically (like Europe did many years ago) and falling right into the trap. Sadly, this last election has determined which direction this country is moving. Our new President, the Marxist Barrack Hussein Obama, who is the most liberal president to ever be elected, will greatly improve the opportunities for our enemies. Obama's plan to open the borders, reduce the size of the military, devastate the economy by growing the size of government and entitlement programs (and taxing the American people to death to pay for it), and taking away our guns and disarming our nukes, will move this country to a more second rate European socialist style of government. Welcome to the United Socialist States of America....the last one to leave America turn out the lights.

What Can You Do?

We know what it will take to solve the problem and that is a groundswell of patriotic Americans standing up and saying "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Until that happens, be it by writing/emailing/phoning Senators and Congressmen, or a huge turn out at the ballot box, nothing will change and we will sink even further into this abyss.

We can only suggest to get the word out to as many people you know. Broaden your news sources, as the mainstream media is controlled by the Left and they only broadcast, or print, what they want you to hear or read. The mainstream media news coverage is agenda driven and they operate under the caveat "repeat a lie long enough and they will begin to believe it." You may want to start by checking out some of the links we have provided under "Links," and/or reading many of the articles from alternative news sources that I have provided links to in the "Headlines" section.

Write and email your Representatives and Senators every time they vote contrary to your beliefs.  Phone calls (to their local office as well as Wash D.C. offices) can be effective in gaining their attention.  Believe me, if they hear from enough people expressing the same sentiments and opinions, they will listen – they know their re-election may depend on it. Also, letters to the editor of the local newspaper can help. Other than that, we don't know what one individual can do other than KEEP YOURSELF INFORMED and BE PREPARED.

If you consider yourself part of the media ignored "silent majority," listen to what this individual has to say - he makes a lot of sense. [The Second American Revolution]

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”.... Albert Einstein


Who Are We?

We don't list our names due to some vile and threatening emails we receive on occasion. It's interesting to note that many come from the so called "socialistic, brotherly love, feel-good, why can't we all get along" crowd. Our most threatening emails come from anti-Israel sympathizers and supporters of radical islam, which appear to be coming out of the Middle East. Then, we get the spattering of emails from the usual 9/11 conspiracy kooks, anti-Bush crowd, and the ill-educated ignorant people crowd that reads/watches only what they want to hear/see from the biased media. We don't participate in discussions with these type of individuals, or organizations any more, because we've found that it's like spitting into the wind.

Amazingly, we have been accused of being some right-wing subversive organization, all the way to an organization secretly backed by the Israeli government. Conspiracy theorists blast us for not buying their nutty "Bush caused 9/11" theories, and left-wingers attack us for our conservative views. Our opinion of liberalism is; it's the easy way out, if you want to escape reality, just keep your head buried in the sand, or somewhere else where the sun doesn't shine. We lay out what we believe is the major threats to this country, based on fact, not conspiracies or theories, if one chooses not to accept it, so be it. At least we tried - what have you done?

Get ready for a Barack Hussein Obama two term presidency. Obama will be able to parlay the hard economic times into a second term. How? The same way FDR did… by blaming everything that happens on his watch on his predecessors. The worse things get, the more the Obamacrats will blame it on "eight years of Republican deregulation, tax cuts and greed," calling for even more government intervention as the solution. And the media, of course, will back them up.

We Hate To Say "We Told You So" - Back in 2006. We tried to warn you!

And then again in 2008!

We are just a small group of concerned citizens that are deeply worried about; where this country is headed politically, the media-ignored threats to our national security, the relentless attacks by the Left on our religious freedoms and beliefs, and the taxing of our way of life due to an ever burdening immigration influx. We are coming closer and closer to the conclusion that if this country does not wake up soon, life in America as we know it will cease to exist in just a few short years, if not months.

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I’m here to help.". . . . Ronald Reagan

“[T]he Constitution is not a living organism. It’s a legal document.” .... Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia


The threat of a nuclear holocaust within our borders has never been more imminent than it is today.  No longer is the threat of a long range missile reaching our shores our single most major concern.  In today’s world, a single individual, or small group, could bring this country to its knees with the detonation of a small nuclear device, or through the release of a biological weapon.  Our porous borders, and free society, make it easy for these type(s) of terrorists to enter the country and carry out their destruction.  Whether it be smuggling in a nuclear/biological weapon, or simply launching one from a fishing trawler, or freighter, via a short range missile, our defenses may be too weak, or inept, to prevent such an attack.  Or, worse yet, prevent multiple attacks.

For a global display of Terrorism and other suspicious events, go to Their world map is updated every 7.5 minutes.

Also, you may want to read this study on sleeper cells.

[View: An Insider View of the Sleeper Cell]



Refer to the “Immigration” page for up to date immigration issues. If you are under the impression that the legal and illegal immigration policies are not a crisis in this country, be sure to check out the movie presented by - a link is provided in the Immigration section.

What can one do? A good place to start is Frosty Wooldridge's "What Can One Do" page on his web site. He is a prolific author and lecturer who is very knowledgeable on the subject of mass immigration. His site has a wealth of informative articles, and links. To quote Mr. Woolridge:

"Today in the United States, immigrants are pouring in at 2.3 million annually--both legal and illegal--our nation shudders from San Francisco to New York and from Chicago to Miami. We rose from 200 million to nearly 300 million in three decades. What was once a benefit to our country is now a full-scale overpopulation and societal crisis. Our English language is under assault and our schools are drowning in ethnic violence, rapes, drugs and gang warfare. In California, Texas, Florida and Arizona, our hospitals suffer bankruptcies from non-paid services for 350,000 annual 'anchor babies'. Ten million illegal immigrants displace jobs from America's working poor and depress wages for many others. Leprosy, tuberculosis, Chagas Disease, hepatitis and other diseases 'pour' into our country within the bodies of illegal immigrants who avoid health screening before coming on board the United States. Even worse, clashing cultures with religions that celebrate 'female genital mutilation' and subjugation of women are growing in enclaves around our country. As Lincoln said, 'A house divided against itself can not stand.'"



One way is to describe how war throughout recorded history has been won or lost. The main dominant strategy being used by Radical Islamic Terrorists is to slowly degrade America's Four Instruments of National Power: POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, PSYCHO-SOCIAL, and MILITARY.

Special Thanks to:
Stewart R. Gable
Colonel USAF [Ret’d]
For His Creative Ideas,
Concepts & Recommendations

They want to create havoc in our vulnerable democratic system until it collapses. Under our constitution, universal goals for America are to maintain strong secular and religious values supporting FREEDOM.  Consequently we should step back and start thinking 'Out of the Historic Box.' All our resources should be toward strengthening the 4 Instruments of our National Power.


War is won by BREAKING THE WILL of the opponent. The terrorist's strategy is designed to Break Our Will, the WILL of the American people.

We know the impact of Adolf Hitler's leadership in the 1930s. International appeasement gave him the power to control the neutral German people. The leadership behind these terrorists must be stopped NOW, because the NEUTRAL TERRORIST'S BASE is 23% of the entire world's population.

In WWII Hitler's leadership convinced the Neutral German People to

kill 5,754,000 Jews,
kill 5 to 6,000,000 Christians,
and kill 2,200,000 Polish people.

His leadership convinced the Neutral German People the Jews were responsible for Germany's economic problems.

If Hitler could create such carnage with his leadership, just imagine what Osama bin Laden's leadership can do with 23% of the entire world's population of Neutral Muslims, armed with human bombers and 21st Century Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Weapons.

The root of Bin Laden's leadership is based upon the entire Moslem religion being totally dysfunctional, by any standard of modern culture. Consequently, the dysfunctional fringe can be recruited as terrorist bombers to resolve their 1,400 years of shackled freedom.

Now, if there is a worldwide Economic collapse – which is highly probable - resulting in the disenfranchised Muslims becoming even more isolated and culturally deprived, Bin Laden will have an even more willing Neutral Muslim population to recruit new bombers to help destroy Western Civilization.

And for icing on the cake, hundreds of millions of dollars of Middle East oil money will continue to fund the terrorists who are recruited. This means that large sums of money will continue to go to the families of martyred terrorists, thereby facilitating family approval of this inhuman cultural cancer.

Watch This Movie

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

-- Winston Churchill


"No arsenal, no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the WILL and moral courage of free men and women."

-- Ronald Reagan



A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.

Marcus Tullius Cicero [ancient Roman scholar, lawyer, statesman and orator 106BC - 43BC]

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Don't Let Fear Fuel the Auto Bailout! GO »
Mr. President! Free Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean!
An injustice has been done! GO »
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