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Simple Salvation Church of God Simple Salvation Church of God


We offer to those willing to serve God and who are at least 18 years of age to be ordained for Life!
We do not ordain homosexual's or those living in other sins!
Must be born again and Baptized.
We love the sinner but not their sins!
[email protected] the following information:

If you give ANY false name your credential will be canceled


3. Why do you want to be ordained?
Must Read article "What it takes to be a minister of God."

4. Send letter's with any and all experience and any degrees

5. Year you where Baptized

If you desire a colored license to hang on your wall or set on your desk
send a donation of $45.00
Letter Of Good Standing member of our church - $15.00

Doctor Of Divinity Degree donation - $65.00

* Charter Church Certificate donation - $75.00

Simple Salvation Church of God will award you an honorary
Dr. of Divinity degree in recognition of your life experience.
This will qualify you to use the title of "Rev. Dr." before your name,
or the initials"D.D." after your name. For example:

Rev. Dr. James Doe
Rev. James Doe D.D.

To receive your Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree,
please include the following items:

1. Your FULL LEGAL name as it will appear on your degree.

2. A brief testimony about your personal experience as a Christian.
This can be about how you were saved, or the difference Christ has made in your life.
How you led someone to Christ or any other personal experiences
involving your ministry in community service.

3. send Check or money order for the suggested contribution 

Simple Salvation Church of God

3818 S. Myrtle Street

Spokane, WA 99223

Email: [email protected]

4. Be sure and include your return address plus your email address
You can pay with any major credit card through pay-pal
even if you do not have a pay-pal account.

Actual Size is 8 ½ by 11 inches Minister Credentials

Click on Pay Pal button at bottom of page

You can use pay pal to pay with major credit cards

even if you do not have a pay-pal account

You can also send through regular mail,

Mailing address near the bottom of this page


Evangelist credential - donation- $45.00

If you do not want to become ordained, but would like a credential that will empower you
to help preach the gospel, We will Register you as an Evangelist.
This Credential will give you the legal right to use
the Title Evangelist before your name.

You may send check or money order to

Simple Salvation Church of God

3818 S. Myrtle Street

Spokane, WA 99223

Email: [email protected]

Some people do not know that you can pay with a credit card
through pay-pal without being a pay pal member.

You can pay with Master Card, Visa, Discover, etc. credit cards.


If you just want to make a donation of any amount to help support this work
We want to give everyone the chance to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world..

see our articles on marriage laws of each state and
the legal right to perform the duties of a minister in your stat
see this article here on this site

You are an independent minister from God's church,
as an independent minister, you may start your own church
anywhere you chose, with the name you chose.

As an independent minister or church, we at Simple Salvation Church Of God
are not responsible for you or the church you start
If you fail to preach anything besides The gospel of Jesus Christ,
your credentials will be revoked 
by the Church Of God

Donate here by using Pay-pal

Official PayPal Seal




Chaplain Jimmie Warren

Becoming a Minister is a Holy calling from God and requires profound selflessness, sacrifice, and love for all mankind. You must submit yourself in total surrender to Jesus Christ and bear fruit of that relationship with him. This will require the highest degree of honesty, integrity, humility and unconditional love for others.

As a chosen vessels you must be willing to stand alone in defense of the poor and destitute sinners of this world, showing no respect for persons because of wealth, education, religious stature, or other power. Being a minister is no ordinary calling, for you truly are the salt of the earth and the light of Christ in a dark and dying world. Sincerity is a MUST! All who know you must know your sincerity as a minister of Jesus Christ .

Simple Salvation Church of God welcomes all who wish to serve God and his son Jesus Christ. We are an open-minded community of believers who constantly renew our commitment to a deeper understanding of God and his will for us.

In the Joy of Salvation we freely Fellowship and worship in Christian Unity. We believe in the Freedom of Choice, being individually responsible before God for our lives, thoughts, and actions.

Christians hold various views based upon their spiritual gifts, abilities to understand scriptures, past teachings, and national origins. We therefore advocate Freedom of Religion, seeking answers through the study of the Bible, prayer, and guidance by the Holy Spirit.

Having, great love and admiration for each other without respect for wealth, race, gender, age or social status. We are committed to seeking the will of God in our lives and faithfully dedicating our life to the service of Jesus Christ that we may be helpers in the Joy of Salvation.

OUR Goals
Simple Salvation Church of God is a non-denominational Protestant faith association of Christians supporting each other in edification, fellowship and worship. Our goal is to fellowship and worship in the unity of Christian faith to discharge our duties to the Body of Christ.

OUR Mission
Simple Salvation Church of God uses the Internet as our primary tool for evangelism and Christian Fellowship, to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ as a witness to all nations. We exist in our ministry calling to assist others in their Christian callings through, inspiration, teachings, and recognition by training and ordination and are committed to spreading the gospel to all nations in the establishment of local ministries.

Giving offerings and gifts to the church.
The church does not claim Tax Exempt status even though we as a Church are exempt from taxation per the U.S. constitution. We are a free church not one of the state Therefore any contributions given to the church are not tax-deductible.

2 Corinthians. 9:10-12---giving from a free mind:
(10) The one who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness. (11) You are being enriched in every way for all generosity, which through us produces thanksgiving to God, (12) for the administration of this public service is not only supplying the needs of the holy ones but is also overflowing in many acts of thanksgiving to God. (13) Through the evidence of this service, you are glorifying God for your obedient confession of the gospel of Christ and the generosity of your contribution to them and to all others, (14) while in prayer on your behalf they long for you, because of the surpassing grace of God upon you. (15) Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (NAB)

Matthew 10:7-10
(7) As you go, make this proclamation: 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand. (8) Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. (9) Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts; (10) no sack for the journey, or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick. The laborer deserves his keep. (NAB)

2 Corinthians 9:7
(7) Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.(NAB)

Matthew 6:1-4
(1) Be careful that you don't do your charitable giving before men, to be seen by them, or else you have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. (2) Therefore when you do merciful deeds, don't sound a trumpet before yourself, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may get glory from men. Most assuredly I tell you, they have received their reward. (3) But when you do merciful deeds, don't let your left hand know what your right hand does, (4) so that your merciful deeds may be in secret, then your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. (NAB)


Donate here by using Pay-pal

Official PayPal Seal


If you feel moved to give a gift or donation please use our Pay-Pal


All of humanity has been called by the Gospel unto salvation and are given gifts of the spirit to produce good fruit. John 15:16 But God has also called and foreordained some for to tend to the needs of the flock and to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world .

Our Independent Ministers are Ordained for life, however, there are reasons why an independent Minister could be dismissed.

1. Lying on their Ordination request application

2. Found to be preaching doctrine and beliefs contrary to THE BIBLE Doctrines and beliefs

3. Failing to notify us of change of home address and or email address

4. Refusing to allow their name, state address, and Ordination number to be posted on our web page Ministry Roster.

5. Using a false name on your application for ordination, other than your true birth name.

6. Living in Sins like Active Adultery or Homosexuality is cause to remove you from our ministry!

All applicants for ordination must be 18 years of age or older, and be of the Christian Faith,have been saved, called of God, and received baptism Do not take upon yourself this calling if you are just playing religion and are not serious about the sacrifices God will require of you. This is very serious indeed, for who he has given much, much will be expected.

We will ordain all Protestant Christian applicants without respect to race, gender, nationality, or past and forgiven sins.
This does not mean we will ordain practicing homosexual or any and all Felon applicants without them first forsaking their sins and coming to the place of humble repentance before Christ. This ministry is a ministry of love, who loves the sinners, but will not love the sin.

Legal Issues
Every nation, state, or locality has varying laws regarding certain degrees of the ministry. It is the full responsibility of every ordained minister to know and follow the laws in their region. It would be totally impossible for us to know the laws of every region in the world, or to monitor the actions of very ordained minister. The legal responsibility of every ordained minister lays solely upon themselves who shall hold the Simple Salvation Church of God harmless as a result their operation, actions, practices, beliefs, and calling.

Persons ordained by Simple Salvation Church of God are independent ministers, and in no way represent the this church, or does the church represent the newly ordained ministers. We exist as independent entities practicing freedom of religion in our own perspective callings from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christian Ceremonies
Countries outside the United States may have varying laws regarding the Officiating of certain Ceremonies and rites. However in the USA Ministers are only required to present credentials or other paperwork if they are going to officiate a marriage ceremony. But to be a minister and Officiate any other ceremony does not require registration as far as we are aware. However it is your professional responsibility to know the restrictions governing you region of the world.

Is Online Ordination Legitimate?

The Constitution of the United States guarantees our right to Freedom of Religion.
Yes, on line/Email Ordination is every bit as much legal as any other Christian church ordinations. Simple Salvation Church of God does ordain anyone online and by mail. Both Male and Female may apply!

Ordination applications are taken online or by mail and a special prayer service is held for the applicant in his or her absence, at this time we lay hands upon the applicant's Official documents and pray for God's blessings upon each applicant. After the blessing service the applicants name and address is entered into our Official Church records as an Ordained Minister.

Simple Salvation Church of God is a membership laboring in Love for all humanity of the World. We are a Protestant non-denominational Christ-centered ministry, that promotes unity in faith and fellowship in the joy of Salvation.

Some of our members are just plain ordinary people without any ministerial training having nothing more than a calling from the Lord and the courage to act in faith in response to their callings. Much like the Disciples of Jesus we come from all walks of life but ,are called by the Holy Spirit to serve God as He sees fit, not as some church or organization picks us!

 Many scoffers doubted the legitimacy of Jesus Christ, and his misfit group of followers, which today has grown to a worldwide body of believers known as Christianity. The disciples for the most part were poor uneducated men and women totally unworthy of being chosen by the Lord to spread Christianity worldwide.The Pharisees and Sadducees blinded by their Religious educated self-righteousness passed judgment on Christ and his followers as foolishness.

All members of this church are members of respected Protestant mainstream Christianity. All may belong to any other church while associated with us, as we are all children of One God and His son Jesus Christ!

After you have been ordained you may if you desire and want to order a printed credentials

email us at [email protected]


1. Simple Salvation Church of God is not legally responsible for all the actions of ministers they Ordain.

2. Persons ordained by Simple Salvation Church of God are independent ministers and have the same rights as any other minister of faith or  from any other big church.

3. Simple Salvation Church of God is exempt from taxation as outlined by the United States of America constitution.

4 Simple Salvation Church of God ordains men and women.

5.Does not ordain Active Homosexuals or felons or any who have not repented of their sinful life!

If you appreciate this Ministries effort of enabling believers through our FREE Ordination, please make a donation of any amount. Thank you.

Please Fill out This Short Question Form and E-Mail it to

Your Name [This is the name that will appear on your credentials]

Your Email Address and a Street address or PO box zip code City and State Country

The year you were saved, [you must be born again to be Ordained]

Your Church Denomination [ we will not ordain anyone out of the Christian faith]

Do you attend church regularly, if not why not?

Male or Female

Your age [you must be 18 years old or older to be ordained]

Thank you who feel called to preach or share the words of God--We welcome you!

 IN the Spokane Washington Area!


We Will travel if you want our services?
For an extra donation

Simple Salvation Church of God

2910 E.57th STE. 5 # 326

Spokane, WA 99223

Email: [email protected]



Washington Marriage Laws

Here's what you need to know to make the marriage legal
in Washington State. In order to get married,
you need to apply and receive a marriage license.

ID Requirement: Valid Driver's License,
Certified Birth Certificate or Valid Passport.

If Previously Married:
A divorce must be final and filed before
applicants can apply for a license.
Documents are not necessary.

Residency Requirement:
You Do not have to be a resident of Washington

Application Requirement: Both the bride and groom must
appear in person at the time of applying.
 Fees:$58.00 - cash or check only 
(Spokane County). as of Aug. 2012
Prices Vary from County to County.
Waiting Period: Three day waiting period.

Blood Tests: No blood test requirement.

Under 18: Applicants between 17 and 18 years of age need to have a parent

(legal custodian) present with them to provide their consent.
If you are under 17 years old, you will need to have the age
requirement waived by a superior court judge of the county
in which one of the parties resides.
Proof of age such as a driver's license or birth certificate
is also required along with the written permission of the family court.

Emancipated minors must present court emancipation papers
specifically allowing the minor to marry.

Proxy Marriages: No.

Same-Sex Marriages: NO
The laws governing marriage in the state of Washington require
that the parties to the marriage be a male and a female.
That means it is not possible for a same-sex couple to obtain a
license to marry in this state. This law may change but, we reserve the right

to not do same-sex marriages on religious issues. DON'T ASK !

Regularly licensed or ordained ministers or any priest of any
church or religious denomination anywhere within the state
may perform marriages. Ministers must send certificate of marriage

to the county auditor within 30 days after the marriage.

Valid: License is valid for 60 days. 
The license can only be used within the State of Washington 

You may obtain a license at
1116 West Broadway Avenue,
on the 2nd floor of the
Spokane County Courthouse.
Open Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 5:00 pm, excluding holidays.

Spokane County Auditor
West 1116 Broadway
Spokane, WA 99260-0020
(509) 477-2270

Idaho Marriage Laws
Here's what you need to know to make the marriage legal in Idaho.

In order to get married, you need to apply and receive a marriage license, In Idaho. 
couple needs no witnesses or blood tests, and there is no waiting period to get a marriage license. There is no residency requirement in the State of Idaho to obtain an Idaho Marriage License.

You must, however, be 18 or older
(under 18 requires parental consent).
PROOF OF AGE REQUIREMENTS: One of the following:
Driver's License, State Identification Card, Birth Certificate,
Social Security Printout.


Consent in writing, duly ACKNOWLEDGED and SWORN to

OATHS, of the father, mother or legal guardian.
When a legal guardian gives permission, proof of said
guardianship must be presented.
(Deputies in the Recorder's Office and Notary Publics
are authorized to administer oaths).

Licenses issued in Idaho must be solemnized in Idaho.
Marriages between parents and children, ancestors and descendent's
of every degree, and between brothers and sisters of the half as well as
the whole blood, and between uncles and nieces, or aunts and nephews, are incestuous, and void from the beginning, whether the relationship is legitimate or illegitimate. All marriages between first cousins are prohibited.

Common-Law Marriage: No.

Same-Sex Marriages: No.

You must buy a marriage license for Coeur d'Alene or
Post Falls, ID area weddings at the
Kootenai County Courthouse,
501 Government Way --
$28 on weekdays and $45 on Saturdays, no personal checks.
Certified copies of marriage licenses are available by mail request
or you can come into our office during business hours.
The fee is $2.00 for each certified copy.
Requests per the Internet are not valid.





© 2017, Simple Salvation Church of God

© 2001-2024 Simple Salvation Church of God