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Prayer Request: New Article Prayer Request: New Article

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New Article (May 21, 2008)

Prayer Request:
“When Two Become One” by Dr.Strunk “Ecclesiastes 4:9-12” In all aspects of life, man has pondered the idea of two of anything joining together to form a whole of something. For example, in chemistry, we learn that two atoms join together to form a substance, which forms a covalent bond by sharing a pair of electrons with each other. One such covalent bond is the combination of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen forming H2O, which is water. Science also makes a reference to a concept called a solution, where a homogenous mixture of two kinds of molecules, atoms, or ions combines to form a solvent. So, when the atoms of two elements bond together ionically, the result is an ionic compound. In a biblical sense, two people are joined in marriage to form one partnership. Just like an agreement between two parties form a contract. Mark tells us in chapter ten that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife, and the two shall become one flesh, so they are not two but one flesh. As the saying goes, two heads are better than one, so concludes God’s plan for universal harmony.

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