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Prayer Request: Invite to Monday Night's Online Service! Prayer Request: Invite to Monday Night's Online Service!

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Invite to Monday Night's Online Service! (Oct 25, 2010)

Prayer Request:

Invite to Monday Night's Online Service!
This Monday night, October 25th, 2010, Just the Word Fellowship invites you to come along with us as Pastor April Hunt leads us in part two of a 9 week series titled, :"Wise Up! Applying godly wisdom to your walk":
This study and teaching series is in hopes of doing as the Scriptures' teach "Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance," (Proverbs 1: 5)
Week #4's topic is "How Can I Find God's Will for Me?"
We are so excited to finally be offering the service to you Live on U-Stream!
You can join us here and follow the service or you can check back at your own convenience directly after the live sermon for a copy of the service which will be posted on our web site for you to view and review all week!
To follow our services please read below and click the link to follow the service and get updates:
Just the Word invites you to follow them on U-Steam, you will be notified whenever they start broadcasting or record a new video on Ustream.
April Hunt (just_the_word) has recommended you check out Ustream!

Click here to check out the user: 
We invite you to join us each Monday night as we discover God's perfect plan for our lives and as we "Wise Up!" by His Word of Truth and His active presence in our lives.
Pastor April will lead us as we look closely into this series on "Wise Up! : Applying godly Wisdom to our walks".
We hope you will be able to join us as we go through this exciting 9 week series together!
Join us each Monday evening at:
6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, and 9pm Eastern.
Live! On Ustream!!
See you on Monday!
And if you must miss this week.. Check the web site for the sermon notes and video posted directly after the service. under Sermon Notes or;
May God bless you as you seek more of Him,
In His Service,
April, Debbie, and Carla


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