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Prayer Request: Beware of Harold Camping and his so-called end time prophecy Prayer Request: Beware of Harold Camping and his so-called end time prophecy

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Beware of Harold Camping and his so-called end time prophecy (Apr 15, 2011)

Prayer Request:

 A couple weeks ago, I saw the most ridiculous thing, a billard with the words,  Family Radio: Judgment Day May 21, 2011, Cry Out Mightly To The Lord. This was done Harold Camping, who claims to be a true Christian but isn't. He has foolishly perdicted, that the date for Judgment Day is May 21, 2011. This sound like to me, that he did this without carefully reading and meditiating on God's Word--without even studying Scripture. 

 I have read and meditated on God's Word, and have no where in the Bible, where it says that Judgment Day is set for May 21, 2011, or any specific date whatsoever of Christ returning again to the earth, to judge the world. Even though, it is getting close, as Jimmie Warren says (and I believe him more, than Harold Camping), we should not be filled with anxiety, and abandon everything, when it becomes May 21.

 I have also heard on Youtube, that Harold is telling beilevers to abandon the churces they attend, and to no longer listen to any pastor (minister), and to listen only to his teachings on Family Radio. This protrays him as false prophet, because he is even now as Scripture states, deceiving and misleading the elect. And those that believe him, have done so, because have, as Paul to Timothy, "itching ears," and have "according to their own desires,heaped for themselves a teacher." They are also doing so, becase do not, "endure sound doctrine."

 Brother and sister, do not need this man, because Scripture also teaches that not only must a person be accurate, but must also have good truit, for him to a be a true prophet of God. For Jesus said, "By their fruits you will them."  So until Christ comes again, continue to preach the Word and spread the Gospel to every corner of the world, bring people to Christ, and live your life as an extraordinary Christian.

Pastor Robert McConkey

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