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Prayer Request: When You Are Pulling God's Plow, Be Sure That The Person You Are Yoked With Is Of The Same Heart And Mind As Yourself Prayer Request: When You Are Pulling God's Plow, Be Sure That The Person You Are Yoked With Is Of The Same Heart And Mind As Yourself

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When You Are Pulling God's Plow, Be Sure That The Person You Are Yoked With Is Of The Same Heart And Mind As Yourself (Sep 26, 2011)

Prayer Request:

 I have called this sermon, When You are Pulling God's Plow, Be Sure That the Person You Are Yoked With, Is Of The Same Mind And Heart As Yourself. This simply means, that you and whomever you are joined with ,has to be of the faith as you. 

 This point is made perfectly clear, in 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NKJV) "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?" This verse warns to us discernment in whom we choose to fellowship or have a relationship with, so that we as Christians don't end "hanging" if you will excuse the slang, with the wrong person.

Now think on this verse. Why did Paul phrase it, in regard to, not any kind relationship, friendship or otherwise, with someone who isn't a Christian believer?" Simple. Brothers and sisters, what is a yoke? It is a wooden beam shaped to go over the necks of two oxen, or whichever of pair of beasts of burden, the farm chooses to pull the plow, with underneath to form a piece. 

Another important thing to note, is that they are trained to be A TEAM. So that they are not just two oxen, etc, but a TEAM--just like a TEAM of horses pulling a stagecoach, or sleddog TEAM, which in case involves more than two. Still, the key word here, is TEAM. 

 A farmer would not yoke an ox with another beast of burden, because, the two would no go and work well together. They would not be a team. I am not saying that, let us a horse, would refuse to pull the plow if yoked with an ox. I am saying, that the horse would refuse to work together with an ox, because it would have nothing in common with the ox.

 The same thing applies, spiritually to any Christian, who chooses to have a relationship with a person isn't. Both people have to be spiritually compatble with one another, and not just soulishly. In another words,if you are a Christian, the other person has to be as well. If not, you and the other person, will go well, in formning any kind of team, whatsoever. 

 I am not saying, that you have to be of the same race, or the same country, only the two of you have to be Christians. Which bring us to the word, "unequally," which is also another word "unbalanced". Paul is not just saying that we can't be yoked with unbelievers, but we can't unequally yoked with them.

 In other words, in this kind of relationshiip, there can be no equality, it wil be forever out of balance. It won't be equal. This also means, that this kind of relationship is doomed to failure. It will fall apart. As Christians, we strong believe that Jesus the ONLY WAY. So if you are of that mind set, and have a relationship that isn't, the other will try convince to go, that is his/her path goes will lead in the same direction. And this will cause the relationship, to eventually collapse, and in a way, it is an encouraging thought, because it means, that this kind relationship, wasn't to be--if you are talking about a marriage, boyfriend and girlfriend, fiancee, or frienship relatioship.

 This ends part 1 of this sermon, I will continue other next week week. Thank you and God bless you.



   Discussion: When You Are Pulling God\'s Plow, Be Sure That The Person You Are Yoked With Is Of The Same Heart And Mind As Yourself

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