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Prayer Request: Prayer: What it is important to know about it Part 1 Prayer Request: Prayer: What it is important to know about it Part 1

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Prayer: What it is important to know about it Part 1 (Nov 7, 2011)

Prayer Request:

 All lot of people, think that God will give them anything they want, and when nothing happens, they wonder they wonder why they haven't received anything from Him, after He knows our hearts desires. The problem with that, is just because God, knows what it is desire of Him, before we ask Him, we still won't have what we what want. The reason is being is this: yes God, what we are going to ask Him for, before we ask Him, He still wants us to ask Him, for what we want. 

 Jame 4:2b.(NKJV) "Yet you do not have, because you do not ASK." Unless you ASK Him, for what you want, you will never receive it, because He desires you, to ASK Him for what you want, even though He knows what you want from Him, so He make a decision on whether it is good for you to have or not, and that you will accept his answer, whether it is yes or no.

 Another mistake people make, is when when they do ASK Him for something, that they often doubt, that they will receive it, because they forget to trust that God will grant to them what they ask. We need to believe that we receive from God what we ask Him for.

 Mark 11:24(NKJV) "Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ASK when you pray, BELEIVE THAT YOU WILL RECIEIVE them, and you WILL HAVE them." Receiving what God is willing to grant you, requires that you BELEIVE that you will get. This because is because, the most important ingredient in prayer is our faith.

 So, if you want God to grant you something, first foremost ASK Him, and second, BELEIVE that you will receive it. These two things, are important, in getting you prayer request granted. I will continue with the next part this sermon, tommorow.

   Discussion: Prayer: What it is important to know about it Part 1

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