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Prayer Request: The Fervent and Effective prayer Prayer Request: The Fervent and Effective prayer

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The Fervent and Effective prayer (May 28, 2008)

Prayer Request:
The Fervent and Effective prayer of the rightous avails much.   James 5:16  this is a powerful scripture with promise.    James goes on to tell us of the prophet Elijah who had a nature much like our own.   and he prayed earnestly that there would be no rain and it did not rain on the land for  three and a half years.  Then he prayed again and the heavens gave forth rain and the earth produced it's fruit.   

James tell us this because he wanted to show us if we believe with our entire heart, and mind and body and soul  with no doubt that he will hear us. 

If anyone wanders from the Truth and someone turns him back;  Let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his ways  will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sin.  

Praying for the return and salvation of our loved one has to be sincere and open with trust.
When we pray to God to touch our loved ones, our friends and neighbors even our enemies for he does say to pray for them too.   He wants us to do it with full understanding and our who hearts believeing.   Not only that he wants us to give him complete and full rein to do whatever it takes to bring those we pray for to him without any restrictions. 

 Some want to put a "BUT" in there.  But don't hurt them or put them in jail or some other But.   This cannot be.   We have to not tie Gods hands.  Just accept he knows best what it is those we pray for need most to bring them to Salvation, Grace and Truth.  Sometimes it takes illness, loss, jail or other hardships.  We must accept that and be there for them to pray for them and to encourage and lift them up.   To help them not be bitter but to come to repentance and grace fully.  

We must accept God's purpose and Will.   Can God turn someone from wickedness, a murderer a rapist, a theif, a drug user?  YES and YES and YES.  Did he not turn Saul who persecuted and killed Jesus disciples and christians to his purpose and will?    Did he now show Jonah you cannot run from God when he wants you to do something?   Did he not deliver Shadrach, Meshech and Abednigo from the firey furnace?     God is quite able to do anything he purposes and wills.  We just need to pray and stand back and wait for the power of God to work.  Keep praying do not give up praying until that person your praying for is fully committed to Christ and God.    Then pray for others in turn.      

Never cease praying the intercessory prayer on behalf of others because God hears and he loves you and he loves those whom your praying for and he will answer in his way and in his time.   

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