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Prayer Request: Reading, Studying, the Word of God Prayer Request: Reading, Studying, the Word of God

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Reading, Studying, the Word of God (Jul 6, 2008)

Prayer Request:

Hello Friends!
About 2 weeks ago---my husband and I went to pick up our daughter from a sleep over at her friends house.
We walked into their home and offered to share some cut up watermelon with them while we waited on the girls.
The conversation that took place for the next few hours has not only changed my outlook on God's Word, but I believe it has placed a huge mantel upon me to speak the truth out to others, as I now know it.
For many years I have been sending out the e-mail devotional called "Today's Scripture".
It has been going into over a million homes each day, and added to several hundred web sites daily, weekly, and monthly.
It has been a calling of the Lord on my life to share His Word with others and how we can apply it to our lives.
For years I shared God's Word in the only translation that I felt lead other into a better understanding of what God was saying and His calling for us all.
That version was the New Living Translation. Even sermons that I have written over the years have been expressively quoting from NLT and also the New American Standard (the translation that was brought to my attention in Bible college as the "most accurate word for word translation of the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic Text"). May times people have challenged me and asked me why I choose not to use the Authorized King James Version, and I have in the past debated openly with others that the KJV was too hard to understand for the common person and therefore harder to apply. I stuck it out and defended the NLT and NASB with vigor. To those people--and you know who you are (Anne, Barbara, and others) I want to now extend a heart felt apology! Your commitment to the KJV and the real history behind the Original Text (I.e..the Textus Receptus) is amazing and commendable! I thank you for being obedient to God's Word and the mantel He has placed on you for getting the truth out as well. I am sorry and I thank you for being one of many who has taken the wool off my eye's. May God richly bless you!
I have now been given the truth regarding how translations came into being and what and whom where responsible for these newer translations.
I wanted to express to everyone my new regard for the Authorized King James Version. From this day forward I will only be quoting from the KJV in my daily shares. I do want to give you my word that I will work above and beyond to make sure that you can understand and apply God's Word to your lives--just as much as you did with the newer versions I have shared from in the past! Please stick with me as I share them in KJV and help you to understand and apply God's Word this way.
I want to share with you all the two books that we read that introduced us to the truth and invite you to visit this web site for more literature and understanding.
The first book is called
New Age Bible Versions by G.A. Riplinger (which can be purchased on this site for a reasonable price)
The other book is called
Did The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible? By David W. Daniels
Which can be found here and I would beg of you to buy this easy read (it is very cheap $8.95 US and only 160 pages with illustrations by Jack Chick)
Years and years of Biblical teaching by schools/churches/and others, has not done as much for me as these two books have!
God reveals the truth to us through amazing circumstances and through unlikely people. But God DOES want us to read HIS Word! He wants us to know His heart and His desire for each of us to walk in His Truth.
I do realize that some of you may think it foolish and back-peddling of me to return to the King James Version in my teachings and devotions.
However, I do believe now that in order for me to guide rightly those that God has entrusted  me to care for--and for my own family and good--that teaching you from the Authorized King James Version will be a blessing for us all! I believe that God will begin to reveal Himself to us in a new light! And in a powerful way! I am excited about it and very much looking forward to what the Word of God will reveal to us each new day we spend in it together!
Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail, my friends!
My only aim is in teaching God's Word correctly and with eyes wide open.
"Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures," Luke 24:45
May God guide us as we work together to understand, appreciate, apply, and love His Holy Word!
Your Sister in Christ,
April Hunt
Forsake the foolish, and live;
And go in the way of understanding.
Proverbs 9:6
For further Including some interesting reading that was discovered through my research of the Authorized King James Version; links below or please feel free to e-mail me anytime!

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