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Prayer Request: Prayer for Chaplain Warren Prayer Request: Prayer for Chaplain Warren

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Prayer for Chaplain Warren (Aug 29, 2008)

Prayer Request:

Dear Chaplain Warren,
I am here at work and it just seems like the Holy Spirit put it on my
heart to pray for you.
Lord Jesus, thank you for this day and I pray that you watch over Chaplain
Warren today as he goes through his daily ritual. Keep him safe from the
arrows of Satan. Jesus, bless his finances that he may prosper. We know
that at times the things of this world might seem perplexing. But, You
said that we shall never be tempted above that which we are able and that
you will always provide a means of escape. May your grace abound through
us all. Amen.
Take it easy Sir!
Pro Deo Et Patria!

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