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Prayer Request: Intro to UCCOG Prayer Request: Intro to UCCOG

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Intro to UCCOG (Nov 7, 2008)

Prayer Request:

Galatians 6:10

How the UCCOG came to be


Many people over the years have asked me how I came up with the name “Universal Christian church of God” so I thought I would write this sermon in an attempt to explain all this.

It all began on a warm sunny day back in May 2005 as a result of divine intervention. I have had an Epileptic seizure that day and it seemed like a near-death experience but it wasn’t. It was right then and there that God spoke to me and revealed to me the idea of seeking ordination.

Immediately, the name “Universal Life Church”  came into my mind.  So one day, I could not seem to get this out of my mind, so I have reluctantly decided to seek ordination with this place and the term “universal” could not seem to leave my mind.

Several months had passed and I said to myself, “why not start a ministry based around this concept”.  So in 2006, I began a Christ-centered ministry with the idea of having a one “universal” church.  Without hesitation, I have taken “Universal Life Church” and added the word “Christian”.  It then occurred to me that “Universal Life Christian Church” would not go over well with the public, so I dropped the word “life” and just stuck with “Universal Christian Church”.  Finally, when all was set into motion, I applied for and was granted a church charter and added the words “of God”, and it has been that way ever since.

As a result of all this, I came up with the notion that my core idea of one “universal” church would one day become a reality.  As you can see, “Universal Christian Church of God” (or simply UCCOG) is just another way that we are all one church under our lord and savior Jesus Christ, thus the terms “catholic, orthodox, protestant, and so on” does not mean a thing in the eyes of God. Now that you have the basic idea, let us now take a look at a few scriptures to support this cause.

Part One: Universal means Unity

Our first scripture comes from Psalm 133:1. It says here that it is good and pleasant for brothers and sisters to dwell together in unity.

At UCCOG, we believe that it is important that Christians be free to gather as they choose and as I learned from personal experience, it is better to be around those who share a common interest  than not to be around anyone at all.

Many churches today have become so down-right political that they have come up with so many absurd ideas, which resulted in the formation of “clicks” which, by the way, drew them from the true way of serving the Lord.  The bottom line is this, we all need to come together and worship the lord as one body of Christ, not as an individual denomination.

Our next scripture comes from the fourth chapter of Ephesians. Verse three states that Christians are endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, and verse 13 says, “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”.

So my friends, in order for us to live up to our fullest potential, we must throw off our self righteousness and come together as one body and spirit. Christ has intended for his church to be one, and as Ephesians explains, not doing so is just plain wrong, nuff said.

Part two: Universal means United

As I plainly put it in part one, we have come together in unity and have been united as one “universal” body of Christ.

An outstanding example of this was set by Moses in Genesis 49:6. Here it says, “O my soul, come not thou into secret; unto their assembly mine honor, be not thou united; for their anger they shall slew a man, and their self-will they digged down a wall”.  Do you get the picture?

To get us back on the right track, lets take a look at Psalm 86:11. Here, David advises us to ask the lord to teach us his ways, that we shall walk in his truth, and our hearts shall be united to fear his name.

The bottom line my friends is this, we seriously need to give up our willful sin and come together as one for the good of God’s kingdom.


I just want to say briefly that it is both an honor and a privilege to serve the almighty lord with such a diverse population. My prayer to you is that everyone will see Christianity in a bright new way and that fuller and richer lives will be obtained

When Christ came into this world, He not only wanted to save us, he also wanted us to live together in Him as an “universal” body of Christ. This my friends is the purpose of UCCOG’s existence.

His crucifixion, death, and resurrection supports all this and I am a firm believer of this. The early Christians made their choice to follow Christ the way he intended, so why don’t you?

It is plainly clear to see that God has graciously given us the utmost opportunity to come together in a way that is highly fitting to his teaching of unity and an united “universal” congregation.

Christ has proved himself numerous times to be the savior of “all men” not just the elite few. I urge you now to just take the time and think about the consequences of not doing God’s will and see for yourself what could happen if you do not realize what I am getting at.

Christ loves us, and His one and only intent of an “universal” church is only in our best interests. Today the choice is yours. God is more than willing to works with us to become one in Christ, but we must all be willing to accept the reality of his teachings. If you would like to thank God for giving us the opportunity to come together and praise him as one “universal” body of Christ, this would be the excellent time to do just that! May God bless us one and all, AMEN!!

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