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Prayer Request: Never Put Tradition Before Obeying God, and Following His Word Prayer Request: Never Put Tradition Before Obeying God, and Following His Word

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Never Put Tradition Before Obeying God, and Following His Word (Dec 22, 2008)

Prayer Request:
There are some countries in this world, that believe that their
handed down traditions are more important than God and His holy Word.
In doing so, they put what they claim to be their faith in God, in
second place. Their traditions, take priority over everything. This is
not good.
Traditions are good, but only if they don't teach that which is
contrary to God's Word. Jesus Himself, had to confront the scribes and
Pharisees, about this very problem.

Matthew 15: 1-9 (NKJV) He answered them, "Why do you transgress the
commandment of God, because of your tradition? For God commanded say-
ing, 'Honor your father and mother..But you say, 'Whoever says to his
father or mother, "Whatever profit you might have received from me is
a gift to God,"--then he need not honor his father or mother.' Thus
you made the commandment of God of no effect, by your tradition.
Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: 'These people
draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips, but
their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me, teaching as
doctrines the commandments of men.'"

This is the epidemic we have here, people who make their traditions,
more important than obeying the Word Of God. They, like the Pharisees,
transgress the commandment of God, because of the tradition, or make
the commandment of God of no effect, by their tradition. Take the
tradition of the dowry, before a man can marry a woman he loves,
disgracefully treating a woman like something to be bought and owned,
and not like a human being.

God's word says, specifically speaks against such a foolish tradtion,
being practiced. Listen to what Jesus says about it.

Matthew 19:6b. (NKJV) "Therefore what GOD has joined together, let man

This means that no human being, neither father or mother, is the
ultimate authority of who their son or daughter is joined with, but
God alone. The Scripture in Matthew does say, "Therefore, what the
father or mother has joined together, let no man separate."

The dowry tradition, transgresses and make this commandment of God of
no effect, by giving the father or mother, power over joining their
son or daughter to whom they choose. It completely goes against and is
contrary to the Word Of God.

Therefore I urge anyone, that if your tradition, teaches that which
is contrary to the Word Of God, and goes against it, break from it
immediately, for it will become a "stumbling" in your faith.

Don't be like the Pharisees, who put their tradition before the
revelation of God and His Word, and only to be following Him, when
Jesus accused them of not honoring their mother or father, by making
the excuse, that because they dedicated their financial resources to
God, that they exempt from helping them.

Tradition should not take precedence over God and His Word. And if it
does, it is not worth keeping, because what you are doing is, as Jesus
accused the Pharisees of, is, "teaching as doctrines the commandments
of men."

We should not be making our traditions, doctrines that are to be
taught and followed. The Word Of God, is the only doctrine, that
should be taught and followed by us, not man-made traditions. Any
tradition is good to follow, but NOT as a doctrine. Traditions and
doctrines are as dissimilar, as apples are from oranges. The one has
noting to do whatsoever with other. You can't make tradition a
doctrine, anymore than you make can doctrine a tradition.

Pastor Robert McConkey

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