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Simple Salvation Church of God Simple Salvation Church of God

Prayer Request: Prayer For You All Prayer Request: Prayer For You All

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Prayer For You All (Mar 15, 2009)

Prayer Request:
Greetings Fellow Pastors and Lay Ministers,

                  I pray for you all in the Name that is above all names. Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior,
Teacher and Healer. That you will be strengthened and not faint in these difficult times we of this
nation are in. That we seize the opportunity to minister in love and compassion to those who are
confused, stund and terrified. We know that the present US and World economy is NOT the Lords
economy. The we minister unto the Hope of His Glory to those who shall be ready to recieve.
The hand of God will deliver us, and bring us through. I pray for Simple Salvation Chruch of God,
this web ministry, Pastor Founder Jimmy Warren. I pray for each Pastor and Lay-Minister that
this web ministry touches. For the praise and Honor and Glory of God.

Joe McDonald

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