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Prayer Request: Building His Temple Prayer Request: Building His Temple

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Building His Temple (Mar 28, 2009)

Prayer Request:


  Stars ~WE LOVE JESUS~  Stars 

  1 Corinthians 2:9 
 It is written,
   "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."*



1 Peter 2:5
   " And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple."

 The gift we have in Jesus, allows us all to come together by his spirit, to becoming a temple for the LORD.
Each one of us has a place in these great works.  We are all pieces of these stones, with Jesus being the ultimate cornerstone holding us all together.  We are Gods children living in his promises walking in his great works...and he is using each one of us to unite and build one another in him.
When this spiritual temple is completed, his church is build, the church that Jesus promised Peter.

As the church is competed and united; Jesus will return into this world and rapture his church out of this world.  This is also known as the great day of the Lord.  So we focus and be his holy priests, faithful sowers, where ever he may have placed us, and everyday we work at planting & watering his seeds, sharing his truth and building his temple. These are our true works brothers and sisters.

 Holy father we thank you for your spirit, help us to be filled with thoughts and visions of ur great works in our lives.Make us bold and courageous about our faith, We pray that u help us to grow solid in our salvation and in our union with you...Father hold us together with the promises we have in Jesus and prune us daily to come out of the world and be complete and solid in you, create opportunities for us everyday to share ur message and be sowers for you great harvest... all for the glory of ur will, we humbly pray this in Jesus mighty name amen.


Jesus Christ is Lord!
'Aoly Allizabeth'

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