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Simple Salvation Church of God Simple Salvation Church of God

Prayer Request: Forgiveness Part 1 Prayer Request: Forgiveness Part 1

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Forgiveness Part 1 (Apr 3, 2009)

Prayer Request:
  As Christains, it is important for us to forgive those who have done us wrong. It is never for us to harbor unforgiveness in our hearts.  An offense, is a debt that one person holds over another.  So, when that person says,  "You will pay for what you did" he/she is holding a debt over the offender. that he or she believes other towes him or her.
 It should be important tor us to remember, the tremendous debt that our Heavnely Father forgave us of, and which was paid off by our Lord Jesus Christ, when He died on the cross for us.  Before we were saved, our offense against God was so great, it  incurred a debt that couldn't be paid off us by us, by any good deed that we could ever do, until Jesus Christ came and died for our sins, and paid off our unpayable debt, removing us forever from the wrath of God.
  So if God forgave us of our unpayable debt to Him, we should follow His example and forgive those who have sinned against us. For what is forgiveness? It is cancelation of the debt, incurred by the one who offened you.

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