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Simple Salvation Church of God Simple Salvation Church of God

Prayer Request: Continuance On Forgivenesss Prayer Request: Continuance On Forgivenesss

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Continuance On Forgivenesss (Apr 23, 2009)

Prayer Request:
 It is important that we forgive those that have wronged us, and have no desire to make them "pay" for what he or she has done.  It is not our job, to place a debt over that person for the wrong done he or she has done to us.  To forgive someone, is like I said before, to cancel the debt over someone, and in effect, releasing ourselves, from making our responsibilty to make that person pay the debt owed to us, so that terrible buden is lifted off our shoulders. Jesus commended us to forgive our brother an unlimited amount of times, that we forget to keep count--to forgive others from the abundance of our hearts, which should without measure or expecting anything in return.

Pastor Robert McConkey

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