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Prayer Request: Be Counted Prayer Request: Be Counted

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Be Counted (Sep 9, 2009)

Prayer Request:
We are facing a bigger crisis today in the chruch of the Lord Jesus Christ, than the financial situation of the US, or even bigger than the hunger all over the world. You say well, how is that possible? I am glad that you asked. I will tell you. It is one of the largest weapons in the arsonal of the enemy and it is apathy. The Body of Christ has become on a whole very apatheitic to the situation fo many of the issued before the Senate and House of Representatives these days. We have developed the attitude that it is better not to be inviolved and to jsut lay back and "pray about it". Well, let me tell you this my dear brother and sister and don't get my wrong I beleive in prayer and it is the strongest thng that we can do, but there comes a time when we must stand up and allow our voices to be heard! And if there was ever a time when we need to be heard it is now! So many issues are to be voted on and it is our responsiblity to let our voices be heard. We are still (at least the last time I checked) still a democratic nation and that means that we are supposed to be allowed the freedom of speech,. Well it is time to let those voices be heard, write those letters, sign those petitions, speak what is in your heart, and fear not the consequenses becasue there is someone that has your back providcing that you are right, and that is God! You see the goivenment is not always right, and the voices of the people that is us are meant to be heard! So let's tell someone today, and be bold!

Apostle William F. Trayer

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