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Prayer Request:



Universal Salvation


The Christian Universalist Association affirms the following in our statement of faith:

We believe in the ultimate triumph of divine mercy and grace: that no being ever created will be condemned or allowed to suffer forever, but God has arranged through a benevolent plan of learning and growth for all souls to attain salvation, reconciliation, restoration, and reunion with the Source of All Being, in the fullness of the ages.

The cornerstone of Universalism is belief in universal salvation, the idea that there is no such thing as eternal hell or annihilation because God has planned the universe to produce a positive outcome for all sentient beings He has ever created. Hopeful prophecies in the Bible point to a future time of universal restoration and renewal (Jer. 31:38-40, Ezek. 16:53, Mat. 19:28, Acts 3:21), when even archetypal symbols of evil such as Sodom and the valley of Gehenna will be restored by God. The end of all things is a state of blessed reunion with God, the Creator -- not eternal separation, misery, or destruction (John 12:32, Rom. 11:36, 1 Cor. 15:22,28, Col. 1:20, Rev. 21:3-5). In the early Christian church, this was called apokatastasis -- the reconciliation of all things -- and it was recognized as an important teaching of the Gospel during the first few centuries of Christianity.

Our belief in the ultimate salvation of all is based on a strong trust in God's omnipotence and benevolence. He is neither powerless to save rebellious and suffering souls, nor is He unwilling to do so. Instead, God is both powerful enough and loving enough to cause all souls to be rescued from a state of separation and returned to their intended state of unity and harmony with the divine (Isa. 46:10-11, 55:11, 1 Tim. 2:4-6). All things that are good will be preserved and restored to their fullest manifestation, but all things that are bad will perish (Mat. 3:12, 1 Cor. 3:13-14). Since no human being is totally bad, no human will perish eternally. It is God's plan to take what is good in each individual and multiply it, and replace the bad within us with an infusion of His divine goodness, until only the good remains.

God does not decide to condemn some people to hell because they sinned too much or they chose the wrong religious beliefs. Nor does God allow some people to remain in a hellish condition indefinitely because of their own free will (Phil. 2:10-11). Everything that happens to each individual is according to a perfect divine plan, which was created for that person's greatest benefit by a Mind that is infinitely larger and more powerful than our own limited human understanding (Rom. 11:32-34). Negative experiences which happen to us are designed to produce learning and growth, for the advancement of the soul. It is through purgatorial "fires" of tests and trials that the human spirit is cleansed of negative attributes and attains a character that is compatible with the Presence of God (Job 23:10, Mal. 3:2-3, Mark 9:49, 1 Pet. 1:7). This is the goal, the essence of salvation.

Salvation is not through efforts by which we must earn God's love and attention (Rom. 5:8). On the contrary, God already loves us unconditionally and is merciful towards us, and when He knows one is ready to move forward in the salvation process, He will take the initiative to help one reach the next level of development (Luke 15:4-7, Rom. 8:29). If a person wishes to succeed in growing closer towards God and attaining a fuller measure of salvation, however, one must respond to God's call and participate in co-creating a life of spiritual advancement (Luke 9:23, Eph. 4:22,24). God will make this possible for all of us -- each at one's own pace, in one's own way -- through the outpouring of divine grace (1 Cor. 15:22-25, 2 Cor. 5:19).

Souls that leave this life on earth without significant spiritual growth will have other opportunities for learning after death (1 Pet. 3:18-20, 4:6). No one will ever run out of chances to return home to their Creator. Even the most evil beings who have ever lived can still be saved -- and will be, in the fullness of time (Eph. 4:10, Phil. 2:10). That is God's promise!



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