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Running to the Enemy Running to the Enemy

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Running to the Enemy

Posted by: Administrator on Thu, Mar 11, 2010

Homer Owen

Running to the Enemy
Homer Owen
Mar 10, 2010


Running to the Enemy

Over the years I have had some pretty neat encounters with the Lord on I-35. Interstate 35 goes through Waco on its way to Mexico on the south side and then on its way to Canada on the north side. Many years ago we had rented a building on I-35 and the Lord confirmed to us that we were on the right pathway by having a woman call and tell that the Holy Spirit told her to tell me that He wanted me to stand on Isaiah 35. When I opened my Bible to this chapter the Holy Spirit showed me that this chapter would go along with us on I-35. Glory!

“And a highway shall be there, and a road, And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, But it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, Shall not go astray.” Isaiah 35:8

We are all on a journey with the Lord as we pursue Him with all of our hearts. One of His promises is that we will not go astray as we stay on His highway and walk in Holiness. He can truly be trusted to keep us. His unfailing love is wrapped around us and into us. God so loved – Glory!

The other morning as I drove down I-35 the Lord showed me young King David running towards Goliath with his sling shouting that the Lord had delivered him into his hands. Scripture tells us that David hurried and ran toward the Philistine army and Goliath. David was telling Goliath that he would cut his head off even thou he did not have a natural sword. He had the sword of the Lord which is His Word coming forth from our hearts as we take a stand against our enemy. Goliath provided the sword to cut his own head off.

I saw in this vision an angel directing the stone that had come out of David’s sling to make sure it landed exactly where it needed to land to bring Goliath down. I saw in the spirit that when we are led of the Lord to confront the enemy we will most of the time be doing it in the natural just like David with a stone and a sling but that God meets us with His supernatural power to make sure success comes forth to make us more than conquerors in Him. Amen and Amen!

I was on my way to deliver some HCG to a friend who needs to lose weight when the Lord spoke a word of faith into my spirit that as I delivered the HCG in the natural He would make sure that it worked in a mighty way in my friend. God is so good. Ruby and I stand amazed as we receive testimonies each day from folks that are having great success with the HCG. We are so thankful to the Lord for His part in helping each of us in our pursuit of being victorious.

May your week continue to be blessed in Him.

Homer Owen


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