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Posted by: Administrator on Fri, Jul 20, 2012

By J.P.GEREKE Minister All Saved


When Christians hear that All Will Be Saved, their first question is usually. What about
Hitler? In reality, they are judging Hitler’s sin. They fail to realize, they are also sinners in
Elohim's eyes, all sins have the same penalty, the Lake of Fire.

That means even the lowly little lie. (Revelation 21:8,27) ( 22:15) It seems that liars are in
the same category as murderers. It takes one murder to be a murderer. It takes only one
lie to be a liar. Have you ever lied to protect your honor or finances, misrepresented

Exaggerated, or embellished a story with the wrong facts? If you said yes, you are a
candidate for the Lake of fire. So the question isn’t about Hitler, it’s what about You? 
Yahshua said “Judge not, lest you be judged. For the same judgment you use, you Will be
judged. With the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you. (Matthew 7:1,2)

This is called the boomerang effect. Some Christians say that they are saved and have
repented of lying, now that also is a lie. (1 John 1:8) What if the Christian was killed, the
second after he murdered, and had no time to confess. The same result, would be if he
lied just before being killed.

If we accept the Lord in a meaningful prayer. Then we will be allowed into His heaven
when we die, if we don‘t backslide, according to theologians. In deciding who will be
saved, you almost have to be born into the right gene pool, the right country,
The right century, the right family, the right neighborhood, the right friends. Then be called
of the Lord, repent, and except Him. It seems that is the only way you are going to be
saved, is by a combination of those circumstances.

Some believe that we are predestine to either go to heaven or The Lake of Fire, which we
have no choice. To them, the gene pool and the rest make no difference. So here we are,
born on this earth and fortunate to be in the right place at the right time.

The mainstream Christian churches believe that most of the mega billions of people born.
From Adam till the Messiah comes back, are out of luck. They are too late, if they weren’t
in the right place at the right time. In reality, many will be saved in this life, and the rest in
the next life. Click on the articles above, and learn what you need to know about salvation,
and what Elohim requires of us. It will totally surprise you

When you read or hear from the pulpit the word saved. New converts to Christianity some
times will wonder or ask, "Saved from what?" Others, without asking will know what it
means. In other words they have figured it out what it means. Saved from going to hell and
burning in agony in a lake of fire forever. That seems very drastic for one lie, as
Revelation says, "All liars will be cast into that Lake. Click on,
Where is Hell on the top
index and find the truth.

The name of this page is, will all be saved? Theologians don't believe so, as I have said
many times. They believed that maga billions will go into the lake of fire and burn for ever
in torment. I myself believe that we have a Benevolent Creator that. loves every single one
of us. This story has been told over and over again, how our Savior suffered the most
horrible death imaginable.

Yet, the theologians take no thought of the sacrifice that our Savior made for every one of
us. In other words, they don't think that sacrifice was good enough to pay for our sins.
They believe that there has to be more. We have to say the magic words that we believe
in him. They believe that after the resurrection that we are all on our own for salvation. 
The Bible does not go along with that.

see more evidence on our church site

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