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All Man SAVED Part # 4 of 4 All Man SAVED Part # 4 of 4

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All Man SAVED Part # 4 of 4

Posted by: Administrator on Fri, Aug 21, 2009

Professor G.P.JAMES

Bottom Line 4

There are controversial subjects, that the main stream Christian churches, have ignored for almost two centuries. One of them, is the Ten Commandments, including the seventh day Sabbath. Many believe that they have been done away with, or changed. It’s your decision to make, after reading this.

Keeping the Ten Commandments, and the Sabbath is NOT unto salvation. Modeling your life after them, will show your love, and obedience to the Lord. Your rewards in heaven, maybe based on that.

This document is not linked to any one, denomination, although some do adhere to the Ten Commandments. There are some scriptures in the Bible that are difficult to understand. An example: is when Yeshua told the Disciples they had to eat His flesh and drink His blood.

Not understanding it was symbolic, many Disciples left Him. (John 6:53,66) Peter, in his epistles, spoke of things that are hard to understand. He said there are people who don’t know the Bible, and are unstable. They twist the scriptures to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3:16)

As you see, it can be dangerous to trust your own opinion and not the Bible. The writings here, will prove the validity of the Commandments and the Sabbath.This will be done by showing scriptures that don’t have to be interpreted, which will stand on their own.

The vague scriptures will be left to people, who are inclined to put their own spin on them. Most of the scriptures given, are after Yeshua was crucified. The reason is: many are taught and believe that the Commandments, and the seventh day Sabbath, were nailed to the cross.

(Luke 23:56) The women rested on the Sabbath, according to the Commandment, after His death.
(Mark 16:1) When the Sabbath was past, the women brought spices to the tomb.
(Acts 13:14,15) Paul went into a synagogue on the Sabbath. The Law and the Prophets were read.

(Acts 13:27) The Prophets were read every Sabbath.
(Acts 14:42) The Gentiles begged the Apostles to preach to them on the next Sabbath.
(Acts 13:44) Almost the whole city came to hear the word of Yahweh on the Sabbath.

(Acts 16:13) The Apostles went out of the city on the Sabbath, and preached to the women.
(Acts 17:2) Paul went into a synagogue and preached for three Sabbaths to the Thessalonians.
(Acts 18:4) Paul preached in Corinth’s synagogue every Sabbath to the Jews and Greeks.
(Acts 18:11) Paul continued there for a year and a half, teaching the word of Yahweh. ( That would amount to 78 Sabbaths.)

(Mark 2:27) Yeshua said “The Sabbath was made for Jews, and not Jews for the Sabbath. “Oh!! excuse me,” Yeshua Messiah said “The Sabbath was made for MANKIND.”
(Matthew 12:8) Yeshua said, “He is Lord of the Sabbath day.”

(Hebrews 13:8) “Yeshua Messiah is the same yesterday, and today, and for ever. ”
(Acts 1:12) The Apostles returned to Jerusalem, from a Sabbaths day journey.

( Isaiah 58:13,14) Yahweh said, “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath. From doing your own pleasure on My Holy Day, and call the Sabbath a delight. The Holy Day of the Lord Honorable, and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways. Nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words. Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord.”

(Romans 10:12) There is no difference between Jews and Greeks. (Gentiles) The same Lord Over all, is rich unto all that call upon Him.

(Hebrews 4:9,10,11) “Therefore, there remains a rest for the people of Yahweh. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as Yahweh did from His. Therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall after the example of disobedience”

“One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike” (Romans 14:5)
It doesn’t say anything, about the Sabbath, resting, or the law. These are the type of vague scriptures that people used to put on their own spin. They will try to refute, all the many scriptures, that prove the truth.

The Apostle Paul said “For I speak to you Gentiles; in as much as I am an Apostle to the Gentiles. I magnify my ministry” (Romans 11:13) The Gentiles were mentioned about 100 Times in the New Testament. A great number of the people, Paul preach to were Gentiles.

Would it not make sense, that he would have taught them, that the Law and the Sabbath were done away with? As it was, the Gentiles craved his preaching on the Sabbath.

In the middle ages, during the crusades and inquisitions. Christians were tortured and killed for their belief. This, by the Catholic church, who were famous for their torture methods. Burning non Catholic Christians at the stake was their favorite.

The main reasons were, that the Christians would not confess that wafers and wine were literally the Lords body. (The Eucharist) And they kept the 7th day Sabbath instead of the Catholic Sunday worship.

The Law and the Commandments, in most places of the New Testament, mean the same. The exception would be when they are talking about the Law of Moses. Examples are: (Corinthians 9:9) Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn.

(Acts 15:5) Pharisees believed that it was needful to circumcise, to keep the law of Moses.
(John 8:5) Moses, in the Law, commanded that adulterers should be stoned to death. With the morality of today, the mortuaries couldn’t keep up with them.

(Colossians 2:14) Moses’ Laws were symbolically nailed to the cross.(600+) There are some scriptures about the Law and Commandments that seem to do away with them. At the end, it always substantiates them.

(Gal. 3:12) The Law is not of faith, but the man who does them shall live by them.
(Galatians 3:12,13) “Yeshua has redeemed us from the curse of the law.”
(Hebrews 12:5,6) As for breaking the law, we receive chastening in this life only.

( Matthew 5:17,18) Yeshua said “ Don’t think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I didn’t come to destroy, but to fulfill. Till HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not one jot or tittle will pass from the Law, till ALL IS FULFILLED.”

(Revelation 21:1-4) John saw a new HEAVEN and EARTH, for the first PASSED AWAY. He saw the Holy city come down from Yahweh. He will dwell with mankind, and wipe away all tears. There will be no more death, sorrow, crying, mosquitoes, or pain. The former things are PASSED AWAY and all things made new.(ALL IS FULFILLED)

It’s amazing that people who read the Bible, can’t see that ALL IS NOT FULFILLED YET, till heaven and earth pass away. It’s only common sense, that The Ten Commandments will pass away, when Yahweh is dwelling with mankind in the Holy City. NOT done away, in this sin, sick, world, that needs the Ten Commandments. (NO BRAINER)

(Romans 13:8) “Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for if you love another you have fulfilled the Law.” ( Fulfilling the requirements of the law daily, doesn’t end it.)
(Rom 3:31) “Do we void the Law through faith? Yahweh forbid: we establish the Law.”

(1 John 3:4) Whosoever commits sin, brakes the Law: for sin is the transgression of the Law.
(Rom 6:15)“Shall we sin, when we are not under the law, but under grace? Yahweh forbid.

(Rom 7:7) Paul said “Is the Law sin? Yahweh forbid, No, I had not known sin but by the Law: For I had not known lust, except the Law had said, you shall not covet.”
(Rom 7:12) “Therefore the Law is Holy, and the Commandment is Holy just and good.”

(Rom 7:16) Paul said “If I do what I try not to do, I agree with the Law that it is good”
(Rom 7:25)“With the mind I serve the Law of Yahweh: but with the flesh the law of sin.”
(2 Cor 7:19) Circumcision and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the Commandments

(1 John 5:2) “We love the children of Yahweh, by keeping His Commandments”
(Eph 6:2) “Honor your father and mother, the first Commandment with promise.”
(Romans 7:1,2,3) “The Law has dominion over a man as long as he lives.”

(1 John 5:3) We love Yahweh, if we keep His Commandments: and they aren’t grievous
(1 John 3:22) “What ever we ask of Yahweh, we receive from Him, because we keep His Commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.”

( Rev 12:17)” The devil was enraged with the woman, and made war with her offspring, who keep the Commandments of Yahweh and have the testimony of Yeshua Messiah.”

(Rev 14:12) “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of Yahweh and the faith of Yeshua Messiah.”

“The conclusion of the matter is: fear Yahweh and keep His Commandments, for this is the WHOLE DUTY OF MANKIND.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13) Some say, that the Commandments are impossible to keep, why even try? Choosing not to sin, is continuous, in overcoming sin. Has that also, been done away with?

There are three things the Lord emphasizes for mankind. To love Yahweh with all your heart, mind, sole, love your fellow man and keep the Commandments. “For not the hearers of the Law, are just before the Lord, but the doers of the Law, shall be justified.” (Romans 2:13)

Yeshua Messiah said: “If you break one of the least of the Commandments and teach men so, you shall be called least in the Kingdom. If you do them, and teach them, you will be called great in Heaven” (Matthew 5:19) Nowhere in the Bible has this edict been rescinded. Many people are fulfilling the Commandments daily.

There are two words that Christians have trouble with. Which is under, and by. When the Bible says that we are not under the Law/ Commandments. It means we are not under the penalty of being stoned to death for breaking them, as Israel did, or under the penalty of the Lake of Fire. This means that keeping or breaking them, has nothing to do with our salvation, but will be valuable, for rewards, and positions, in the Kingdom. (Revelations. 22:12)

The person who lives by or in them, is pleasing to the Lord. (Galatians 3:12) Some people would agree with that. Except, some don’t want to live by any rules, or suggestions. Yahweh and the Messiah, both said, “If you love me, keep the Commandments. There are two sides to the questions, of keeping the Sabbath and the Commandments.

This document has about 45 scriptures that are very plain, on keeping them. Now if you come up with 50 scriptures, and not, just your own opinion, in which to counter them. Then you would have something to compare with.

In a court of law, juries usually base their decision on a case, with the most evidence, that shows the truth. “Fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart: For consider how great things He has done for you.” (Samuel 12:24)

Christian Universalist believe that all mankind will be saved. This is because, there are so many scriptures that prove it. They also want to make people aware of this, and show the Love that Yeshua and the Father have for mankind.

The people that are turned off on religion, because of the burning in hell for ever, doctrine. They will finally know the truth and the truth will make them free. (John 8:32)

Universalism is Biblically correct. Universalists refute the doctrine of the Catholic church on hell, because it is NOT Biblically correct. Then, they jump right back in bed with the Catholics, with Sunday worship, and the non Biblical holy days. Get with it, Universalists

It’s alright to be called heretics. We are already branded as that. As it was said: there are many scriptures to prove Universalism. Also there are many to prove the Sabbath and the Law, as this document has shown. Can it be too much, to show your love for the Creator?

There are some people that are preaching the truth. They are called heretics, being legalistic, or taking everything out of context. If you are a Christian that believes every thing your preacher tells you, without searching the scriptures. Get a King James Bible, Strong’s Concordance, and a Halley’s Bible Handbook.

Look up things in the Bible encyclopedia on the internet. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32) Most Christians can’t even name the10 Commandments or the books of the Bible. Search the scriptures as the Bereans did.

If you think that it’s impossible, for the mainstream Protestant church, to be wrong on their doctrines. Just because millions of people, for hundreds of years have kept them.

I would suggest that you check out, the one billion, two hundred million, Catholics. They worship Mary, and believe her mother was a virgin also. They believe that crackers and wine are the literal body and blood of Yeshua Messiah. They bow down to idols, and many other non Biblical doctrines. Churches can err, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of denominations that prove it.
(Scriptures are paraphrased)

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