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Posted by: Administrator on Fri, Aug 6, 2021

the decisions we make now can be wrong and cause the end of u


by Chaplain Jimmie W. Warren

My dearest friends and fellow saints, I feel like I am being led to write to you by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is moving upon the earth right now, seeking those who love the Lord our God. Those of US who wants him to return to this world today because the world around us is falling apart and we must pray we are worthy to escape all that is about to happen before Men finds way's to destroy himself and all of us along with them?

Just look around today at all the petty wars that are going on with thousands upon thousands having to go on the run because their homes are being destroyed by the enemy and sometimes by us, yes the United States of America is in the battle for it’s very life and most people do not even see it.

All nations have lost our moral compass which is taking us on a path of no return and doom!

I hate to use that word "doom" but if we do not repent as a nation then we will fall! It is time to ring the bell, look upward to heaven and ask our heavenly Father Yahweh to forgive America as a nation, also each of us must take a stand, claim either you are a godly person, or you are denying the one who created you and everything you are? WHERE DO YOU STAND?

IT IS ALL UP TO YOU RIGHT NOW! Better "Wake up people," for the time is now near so, be ready at all times for tomorrow you may be dead----then what? The Day of the Lord has already come for those who have died and Judgement day has already happened for them but what about you?

Be ready for the day is coming that has been shown and spoken of by the prophets and ministers of old and today trying to spread the word about the Grace God has given freely, all you have to do is Repent of your old ways and except the Lord YESHUA Messiah / Jesus the Christ! Amen!

Now take out your Bibles and follow along or some scriptures I will print here for you.

Now as we read in (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 ) (boiled down) this just shows us how to live right and in (1 Thessalonians 3:13) it shows us how to be strong. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 studying your Bibles and watching the Dailey News, you will know as the day draws near and brothers and sisters I am telling you all right now, we are in the time of the end! Yes I know you have heard this many times in your life but have you been ready to face it before? We all have fallen short of the glory of God and will until the day we die and are changed for the better, still our Father Yahweh wants us to change from our old ways and do things his way because we love him and want to be better children. Isn’t that what you want from your own children after they start to grow-up?

There are three angels who will announce the same message we Apostles and Ministers have preached throughout the millennium and this is the Gospel "JESUS- our "YESHUA Messiah" is the only begotten son of our Heavenly Father "Yehway" and he will have his son appear in the clouds with all his angels and with all his raised saints,(you and me) and all those changed in the moment of a twinkle of an eye, I am telling you right now "be READY!" (Revaluation 14:6-13)

This is talking about you and me brother and sister we are going to see this in our life times even if we should die we will still see our Savior coming back to gather us up to be with him forever. Amen and Amen!


(2 Thess. 2:7-10) Now there will be consequences for those who refuse to repent of their old ways those who refuse the Gospel that Jesus Christ is the Lord God! For those who choose to not obey their God will spend eternity in darkness with old Satan himself!


Do not be one of these people who close their minds to an all loving God who just wants you and me to obey his word and live like Jesus did, Amen!


We want to remind those who DO BELIEVE and have faith that knows even if we should die before Christ returns we will All still see him coming in the clouds as promised!

(Revaluations: 12-14) " This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on."

Yes, says the Spirit, they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them. The Harvest of the Earth."


Yes dear brothers and sisters, time is short, we must all stand firm while we are all waiting on the Lord and his soon coming Kingdom.

"Listen for the sound of the trumpet for our lord and savior is near and we will finally have peace and rest by living in a new world away from sin and pain!"

Read (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11) People be good to everyone for the time is near when our reward is at hand and our crown of victory will be given to those who have held onto their faith. Amen!

(1 Thessalonians 5:14-24) We must tell people they are running out of time and need to repent and have faith. It is not about religion or going to church or even what church you are in, IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS COMING BACK and getting ready to receive him. Are you ready to face your judge and maker?

Reread (Thessalonians 5:19-24)Do not restrain or despise the inspired message of God even if you have heard it a 1,000 times before it is still the same message verse 21 " prove all things to test to see if they are right: Keep what is good and avoids evil of every kind. Keep your heart and mind clearly to have a stronger understanding and faith in YESHUA Messiah for he is coming soon! Be ready have Faith as your redeemer nears!

In( 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12) we read " All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering.

God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.

He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power." Forever is about to begin are you ready?

You must study your Bibles now, QUIT Playing religion, you are playing mind games with yourself and others by just going to church to look good! Looking good and being good are two different things and we all need to build our strength by asking the Holy Spirit to come into our lives and make us a better person and true Christian. Give me an Amen here folks!

Wake the hell up before you wake up in hell!

Read (Revaluation 20:6&14; Revaluation 13:14-18) then go on to read (Revaluations 21:10-11) Praise be to God YehWah for this is about to happen really soon a lot of us have been waiting on this day for many years are you ready people?

Have you Repented of your sins before the Lord? DO IT NOW, HE IS WAITING FOR YOU!


Do not worry about what people may think about you for this is between you and Jesus Christ your Lord and master!

I know many people who have said " I liked the words you are saying and I believe some of what you say but, I do not believe organized religion or going to church, well all I can say is this, it is not about those things, it is about your spiritual life, and where you stand before the Lord?

I know many of you have heard this many times before but some only a few times and others have never heard it before but, I am telling you again or maybe for the first time for some it is the time? Time is getting close, closer than many of you think, and it is not about Religion, it is about JESUS COMING HERE SOON!

He is coming to raise the dead and gather the saints up in the clouds and take us all to Jerusalem to rule for 1,000 years of peace and grace. Are you ready? Repent now, do not wait another day to come before Christ to give him your heart and soul to live forever and ever in his kingdom!

(Revaluations 22:1-4; 10-14),Once you have seen the truth you cannot go back and say I didn’t know kinds like what President Trump did a few days ago when he pulled our troops out of Syria now we can not put them back and as a result many hundreds will die our friends the Kerdis will now die because they relied on us and we have failed to protect these people.

Do you want to fail you King Jesus, or are you going with the other Guy "Satan", better ask yourself where it is you stand?

You see once you are told all this it is pretty much up to you to believe or not but the fact of the matter is that all this is happening and it is happening quick which leaves you in a tight place either open your Bibles and study for yourself or sit back and watch what is coming at you a hundred miles and hour, " right down the middle" as they used to say!

Now quickly read (2 Peter 3:13-18) Study your Bible, be ready, be strong, keep the faith, for the time is short! Our time, your time, every bodies time is about to come to and end!

Get ready now, do not put of off tomorrow ,what you can do today!

I am pleading with those OF YOU, who have hardheads, do you not know your time has just about run out? You still do not want to change your lives so, I am saying this to all right now, "The Time Is Now!"

Give your heart to the Lord, Repent of all your sins!

CHANGE YOUR WAYS and let the Holy Spirit come upon you".


A lonely servant of the all mighty God Yahweh

through the name of his all mighty son Yeshua

In Jesus Name

Chaplain Jimmie W Warren

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